Thursday, June 30, 2016

Forward (Countdown to WJMC)

10 Days Left
          Hello, my name is Colin.  The current time is 1:37 p.m on Thursday, June 30th, 2016.  Though I have yet to even pack for Washington, I'd like to lay out my opening thoughts.  In my life, I have always struggled with aspects of society.  Too many people view things in their day-to-day life at face value.  Personally, I enjoy analyzing things, and finding why a writer, director, or, artist went about things in the way they did.  The answers can vary from a resounding "No reason in particular." to' "This movie is a metaphor about our modern society's follower and consumerist mindsets.".  Even when working on my own drawings, or short stories, I begin to question my own motives.  The truth is, sometimes, even the creator doesn't have a set meaning or moral.  It is then the consumer's (reader, viewer, listener, etc.) job to make the product have meaning, to be worth something.  I hope to use these views and thoughts to spark discussion on things like the 2016 Election, social policies, (ie, gun control and planned parenthood) and simply society as a whole.  I'm extremely eager to begin my week at the Washington Journalism and Media Conference.